Easy Eco Swaps

What’s an Easy Eco Swap?
I’m glad you asked! This is an umbrella term that covers all of my reusable wipes, kitchen roll, scrubbies, and breast pads (more products coming soon too!). I don’t just want them to look pretty (although that’s nice, too) – they all serve a purpose and to make it into this category, all items have to be :
a) EASY to use – if they’re not, then you won’t enjoy using them, and I want you to love them as much as I do!
b) ECO friendly – made using my low waste philosophy and/or made using scraps which would otherwise be wasted
c) SWAP – replacing a single use or otherwise un-eco-friendly item (think plastic sponges or baby wipes)
In addition to this criteria, I also make sure that all my easy eco swaps do the job of their single use counterpart to at least the same level of efficiency, if not better. I also ensure that they’re packaged responsibly; using recycled or recyclable card, paper tape and mailing bags – no plastic packaging!